Compiled by a team of leading historians, this is a wonderfully rich, lavishly illustrated histor...
The History of Bethlem is a scholarly history of this key establishment, looking at Bethlem's rol...
Long established as a classic of modern historical writing, The Age of Improvement has had a uniq...
Essays in Labour History 1886¿1923
This major new book provides a sparkling and detailed account of classical, modern, and popular m...
Now covering the whole of Europe from the French Revolution to the present day, this major new ed...
The first three editions of this bestselling book have established A Social History of the Media ...
Lord Briggs has long been regarded as one of Britain's most important historians. However, until ...
This is the fourth volume to be published of A History of the Royal College of Physicians, coveri...
July 2011 marked the 90th birthday of Lord Asa Briggs. A Cambridge graduate, Bletchley Park code-...
¿This major new book provides a sparkling and detailed account of classical, modern, and popular ...
This is a book of 100 poems of great richness and variety. Indeed, it is genuinely a landmark boo...