The book features original papers from the 2nd International Conference on Smart IoT Systems: Inn...
An agricultural invention-and-innovation continuum in all facets of agriculture and allied activi...
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stim...
The book features original papers from the 2nd International Conference on Smart IoT Systems: Inn...
A wide range of herbal based dentifrices and oral rinses are available in the market and recently...
Overall development in farming is possible only with effective exploitation of entrepreneurial be...
Obschee razwitie fermerstwa wozmozhno tol'ko pri äffektiwnom ispol'zowanii nawykow predprinimatel...
Le développement global de l'agriculture n'est possible qu'avec l'exploitation efficace des compé...
O desenvolvimento global na agricultura só é possível com a exploração eficaz das competências em...
Eine umfassende Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft ist nur möglich, wenn sowohl die unternehmerisc...
Lo sviluppo globale dell'agricoltura è possibile solo con lo sfruttamento efficace delle capacità...
El desarrollo general de la agricultura sólo es posible con la explotación eficaz de las habilida...