The socioeconomic status of individual and health, including oral health, are correlated and this...
The Next Generation Cruise is a vehicle. Theoretically, it is supposed to follow a vehicle of cho...
Tourism is considered as one of the fastest growing industries world over. Within the industry, a...
El estatus socioeconómico del individuo y la salud, incluida la salud bucodental, están correlaci...
O estatuto socioeconómico do indivíduo e a saúde, incluindo a saúde oral, estão correlacionados e...
Der sozioökonomische Status des Einzelnen und die Gesundheit, einschließlich der Mundgesundheit, ...
Lo status socioeconomico di un individuo e la salute, compresa la salute orale, sono correlati e ...
Social'no-äkonomicheskij status cheloweka i zdorow'e, wklüchaq zdorow'e polosti rta, wzaimoswqzan...
Il existe une corrélation entre le statut socio-économique d'un individu et sa santé, y compris s...