Der Dalai Lama war schon in den Achtzigerjahren des 20. Jahrhunderts am Dialog mit den großen Nat...
Arthur Zajonc gibt eine Einführung in das meditativeLeben nach verschiedenen Traditionen undstell...
Arthur Zajonc beschreibt die gemeinsame Geschichte von Licht und Bewusstsein - ein erzählendes Sa...
Examines Goethe's neglected but sizable body of scientific work, considers the philosophical foun...
With rare clarity and unmatched lyricism, Zajonc illuminates the profound implications of the rel...
'All such disciplines, theories, and scientific investigations as truly invigorate the eye of the...
The meeting captured headlines; the waiting list contained nearly 2000 names. If you were unable ...
The Heart of Higher Education is an invitation to everyone who cares about the academy to revisit...
Atrapar la luz : la historia entrelazada de la luz y la mente
An overview of the meditative life, weaving practical instruction together with the guidance and ...