De huidige studie registreerde in totaal 174 gevallen van gewervelde dieren. Hiervan werden repti...
In der vorliegenden Studie wurden insgesamt 174 Vorkommen der Wirbeltierfauna erfasst. Davon ware...
La présente étude a enregistré un total de 174 incidences de la faune vertébrée. Parmi eux, les r...
Vultures play a very important role in the ecosystem as scavengers and are also a symbol of India...
The study was conducted during the period of June 2015 to May 2016 in the Udhangamandal urban are...
W niniejszym badaniu odnotowano ¿¿cznie 174 przypadki wyst¿powania fauny kr¿gowców. Z tego wi¿ksz...
Il presente studio ha registrato un totale di 174 incidenze di fauna vertebrata. Di questi, i ret...
The present study recorded a total of 174 incidences of vertebrate fauna. Of which, reptiles (39....
El presente estudio registró un total de 174 incidencias de fauna vertebrada. De los cuales, los ...
Predators have evolved strategies to maximize nutrient intake within different kinds of habitats ...
The Malabar Pied Hornbill (MPH) is a near threatened and this species is endemic to the low eleva...
A total of 82 individuals Indian giant squirrel in a 68 sighting were recorded in 200km of total ...