This volume gives a state-of-the-art overview of assessment in the field of positive psychology, ...
Attempts to build a bridge between POB and Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). This volume...
In many professions daily work life has become unthinkable without the use of a computer with acc...
This edited collection brings together some of the leading researchers in the study of the daily ...
The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest...
This book provides the most thorough view available on this new and intriguing dimension of workp...
This book provides an overview of the current state of research on job burnout. Identifying impor...
In de 21e eeuw vergt werk niet zozeer een fysieke, maar vooral een emotionele en mentale inspanni...
This book provides the most thorough view available on this new and intriguing dimension of workp...
The central theme of this book is how new media affect organisational behaviour and employee well...