Blaise Pascal is a marquee name, yet little read outside France. Antoine Compagnon provides an id...
An engaging introduction to contemporary debates in literary theoryIn the late twentieth century,...
En 40 chapitres, Antoine Compagnon interprète Montaigne d'une façonclaire, limpide, drôle. De l'e...
French Renaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne's best thinking is positioned in relation to t...
Gato encerrado : Montaigne y la alegoría
'This book offers yet another delicious glimpse into a relationship that never ceases to fascinat...
'This book offers yet another delicious glimpse into a relationship that never ceases to fascinat...
Is this a serious and philosophical book? Certainly. But Compagnon never pontificates and is neve...
La segunda mano o El trabajo de la cita
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