'These articles lend themselves to active reading, giving kids a great place to annotate and work...
Lesson Title 1 Read and Annotate:Stop, think, and react using a variety of strategies to understa...
'Kids need engaging texts and resources they can sink their teeth into, and they need and deserve...
Lesson Title 1 Read and Annotate:Stop, think, and react using a variety of strategies to understa...
'This book is a great resource for an educator or district looking to expand their work inside th...
'Scaffolding the primary comprehension toolkit for English language learners provides children le...
The Civil War and Reconstruction
'These articles lend themselves to active reading, giving kids a great place to annotate and work...
Staff Development with the Comprehension Toolkits
'These articles lend themselves to active reading, giving kids a great place to annotate and work...
Lesson Title 1 Read and Annotate:Stop, think, and react using a variety of strategies to understa...