Bhangra is commonly understood as the hybrid music produced in Britain by British Asian music pro...
The Komagata Maru incident has become central to ongoing debates on Canadian racism, immigration,...
Bhangra is now understood to refer to the hybrid music produced in Britain by mixing Panjabi folk...
This book expands the scope of understanding of the vast, albeit uneven, experience of the 1947 P...
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Bringing together perspectives on Indian cinema from different disciplinary and geographical loca...
This book focuses on the Komagata Maru episode of 1914: This Japanese ship was chartered by Gurdi...
The Komagata Maru incident has become central to ongoing debates on Canadian racism, immigration,...
Beyond the Metros: Anglo-Indians in India's Smaller Towns and Cities focuses on Anglo-Indians res...
This book expands the scope of understanding of the vast, albeit uneven, experience of the 1947 P...