This book focuses on three approaches or methods that can be used to solve a problem of fluid flo...
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2012 in the subject Engineering - Power Engineering, grade: 10.0, T...
Basic Mechanical Engineering: A Practical Approach is primarily intended for the undergraduate de...
Our society is facing energy challenges as the demand for energy is increasing day by day. The de...
Unsere Gesellschaft steht vor einem Energieproblem, da die Nachfrage nach Energie von Tag zu Tag ...
La nostra società si trova ad affrontare sfide energetiche, poiché la domanda di energia aumenta ...
Nuestra sociedad se enfrenta a retos energéticos, ya que la demanda de energía aumenta día a día....
Notre société est confrontée à des défis énergétiques car la demande d'énergie augmente de jour e...
A nossa sociedade enfrenta desafios energéticos à medida que a procura de energia aumenta de dia ...
This project is related to the 'performance' of a solar collector, can be enhanced by several per...
This practical manual is for the basic understanding of the various fundamental concept of the ag...
This book contains details of the bio-efficacy of the post emergence herbicides on the winter mai...