A modern fairy-tale mash-up set in a world of witches and magic. Central character Cinderella Jon...
'Charlie Palmer, super spy has been summoned for a top-secret mission: to find the prime minister...
A hilarious modern fairy-tale mash-up set in a world in which witches are real, magic is real and...
Meet Palmer. Charlie Palmer. Awesome spy and fluffy llama. Her top-secret mission? To save the wo...
Dr. Seuss's The Sneetches and Other Stories meets The Wall in the Middle of the Book in this pitc...
Meet Palmer. Charlie Palmer. Awesome spy and fluffy llama. Her top-secret mission? To save the wo...
'Charlie Palmer, super spy and secret agent, is back ... Reports of spaghetti falling from the sk...
Guess who's back? It's Palmer. Charlie Palmer. Awesome spy and fluffy llama! Her latest mission? ...
Dino-vision goggles? ON! Tricera-strength? READY!Supersaurus is here to save the day!But . . . uh...