Um uns her scheint das mündliche Gebet zu verfallen, wenn nicht gar in Mißkredit zu geraten. Aber...
André Louf, Trappist, Mann des Gebetes, geht der Frage der Innerlichkeit des Menschen in ungewöhn...
A sketch of the unique tradition of the 'white monks' as they have sought-men and women alike-to ...
Spiritual accompaniment -- patient listening and honest openness has become widespread among Chri...
How can we attune ourselves to God's grace?It always takes a lifetime to do - and this is because...
André Louf's probing essay on the nature of humility revisionsthis fundamental Christian virtue a...
Dom André Louf (+2010) was abbot of the Trappist-Cistercianmonastery of Mont-des-Cats in northern...
Los textos de Ándré Louf reunidos en este volumen, nos guían por los lugares y actividades del Es...
L'obra de Déu : un camí de pregària