The lake charr Salvelinus namaycush is a ubiquitous member of cold-water lake ecosystems in previ...
The lake charr Salvelinus namaycush is a ubiquitous member of cold-water lake ecosystems in previ...
One minute I'm in The Elk watching the footie the next minute I'm at the beach with a Polish supe...
The six Latin Comedies of Publius Terentius Afer ('Terence'), written in the second century BC, c...
The biographical and historical works of Eadmer, secretary of Saint Anselm, Archbishop of Canterb...
Examines the similarities in the work of Bob Dylan and William Shakespeare.
This is a fascinating exploration of the influence of Shakespeare within Cambridge, both through ...
National Theatre Connections is an annual festival which brings new plays for young people to sch...
From the leafy suburbs of Boston in the 1970s through the go-it-alone hedonism of the 1980s, this...
Dr. Muir and Dr. Rose are key opinion leaders in the area of endocrinology, and they have created...
Each year, the National Theatre commissions ten new plays for young people to perform, bringing t...