This classic novel tells the phantasmagorical story of an alcoholic man and his search for his de...
Amos Tutuola's second novel recounting the fate of mortals who stray into the world of ghosts, no...
Amos Tutuola's masterful first novel of a nightmarish quest into the land of the dead, now availa...
The author ranks as one of the foremost living traditional African storytellers - as recognised b...
Simbi and the Satyr of the Dark Jungle is the fabulous tale of Simbi, a rich and beautiful girl w...
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Amos Tutuola's second novel, was first published in 1954. It tells...
Their very titles - from 'The Duckling Brothers and their Disobedient Sister' to 'Don't Pay Bad f...
This is the story of Adebisi, a brave African huntress who sets out for the Jungle of the Pigmies...
When Amos Tutuola's first novel, The Palm-Wine Drinkard, appeared in 1952, it aroused exceptional...
In Feather Woman of the Jungle, the people of a Yoruba village gather on ten memorable nights to ...
Drawing on the Yoruba folk tradition, Amos Tutuola's tales combine the resonance of universal myt...
This is the story of Ajaiyi, a man born into poverty who is determined to improve his situation. ...