This book presents high-quality, original contributions (both theoretical and experimental) on In...
Een korte definitie zou zijn dat de persoonlijkheid bestaat uit de karakteristieke patronen van g...
This book addresses unconventional hydrocarbon resources in India and the prospects for their exp...
The relationship between static and dynamic occlusion is one of the aspect of study of functional...
Le présent livre présente, dans sa section 1, une approche holistique pour formuler une échelle, ...
The initiation and progression of periodontal disease is mediated by various protein and lipid mo...
Ce livre tente d'évaluer ergonomiquement la charge statique du corps humain et divers problèmes m...
Tharparkar cattle is a dual-purpose cattle breed evolved as a drought resistant, heat tolerant an...
Krótka definicja jest taka, ¿e osobowo¿¿ sk¿ada si¿ z charakterystycznych wzorców my¿li, uczu¿ i ...
Law making is a complex process in our country. It involves several steps. The first step is to i...
The present book is a result of experimental work carried out on a spark- ignition engine fueled ...
Dieses Buch versucht, die statische Belastung des menschlichen Körpers und verschiedene muskulosk...