This book presents high-quality, original contributions (both theoretical and experimental) on In...
In the present work Jatropha biodiesel has been proposed as an alternative fuel for powering exis...
This book presents high-quality, original contributions (both theoretical and experimental) on In...
Taxonomic analysis revealed that these 62 insect species belonging to 11 orders and 34 families w...
Biodiversity is basic for adjustment of a biological system, ensuring of general condition, quali...
Photocatalysis is important in fighting environmental pollution, such as pharmaceutical effluents...
This study is a part of my broader interest in traditional Hindu culture. It is influenced by the...
This book offers a conceptual understanding of mining industry in India. It covers extensive theo...
In all, 64 species of insects were collected in light trap in a cropping season of paddy. These s...
All you need to know on current progress in the development, design and utilization of carbonaceo...
Natural polymer based smart hydrogels have wide field of applications. They follow a green approa...
The book discusses the primary data analysis of relations between responsible mining and internal...