Implanty stomatologiczne s¿ powszechnie preferowane w stosunku do protez ruchomych, poniewä s¿ wy...
Im Laufe der Jahre wurden die traditionellen Methoden des Zahnersatzes langsam und stetig durch n...
Os implantes dentários são normalmente preferidos em relação às próteses removíveis porque são co...
Implantate sind in vielen, wenn nicht den meisten Situationen, in denen fehlende Zähne ersetzt we...
In dentistry, over the last few decades there has been an increasing use of endosseous (in-bone) ...
Dental implants provide a predictable, effective, and reliable means for tooth replacements. Addi...
Over the years traditional methods of tooth replacement have been slowly and steadily replaced by...
A natureza usa muito poucos materiais para criar uma variedade desconcertante de formas de vida. ...
Implants have become the treatment of choice in many, if not most, situations when missing teeth ...
Nature uses very few materials to create a bewildering variety of life forms. Same material is us...
Lesimplantsdentairessont considérés comme une contribution importante à la dentisterie car ils on...
W ci¿gu ostatnich kilku dekad w stomatologii coraz cz¿¿ciej stosuje si¿ implanty ¿ródkostne jako ...