A successful quit attempt starts with the decision to try. Making a firm decision to stop tobacco...
The results of the study will help the academicians, researchers, physical educationist and train...
Urbanization directly impacts water quantity and quality owing to construction of urban infrastru...
This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Inf...
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) is a minimally invasive approach to prevent dental carious...
This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Inf...
L'internet des objets est un réseau évolutif qui relie le monde physique au cybermonde. Tout ou a...
Utilizando os dados das escolhas de montagem de 2019, apresentamos um processo baseado na engenha...
The Internet of Things is a evolving network linking the physical world with the cyber world. Eve...
A Internet das Coisas é uma rede em evolução que liga o mundo físico ao mundo cibernético. Tudo o...
Utilizando los datos de las elecciones de la asamblea de 2019, presentamos un proceso basado en l...
El Internet de los objetos es una red en evolución que une el mundo físico con el cibernético. To...