These five first books join to represent a freshly emerging 21st Century Indigenous Mainland poet...
dg nanouk okpik, Cathy Tagnak Rexford, Brandy Nalani McDougall, and Mahealani Perez-Wendt are fou...
The Effigies series has woven a vibrant tapestry of indigenous poets from Native North America an...
This volume testifies to the need to protect the remarkable ruins of the Indigenous North America...
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke currently teaches in the MFA program at the University of Central Oklah...
'A name creates life patterns,' Allison Adelle Hedge Coke writes, 'which form and shape a life; m...
An award-winning poet turns to her indigenous background to consider loss, memory, and the fate o...
'Truths about what we have lost and have yet to lose permeate this book-length poem by American B...
A multilingual collection of Indigenous American poetry, joining voices old and new in songs of w...
In her debut collection of poems, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke presents an autobiographical sketch o...
An American Book Award-winning poet explores her indigenous, working-class background against the...