Süßstoffe, insbesondere hochwirksame Süßstoffe, werden verwendet, um die Süße zu ersetzen, die in...
Lycopene is a non-provitamin A carotenoid that is responsible for the red to pink colors seen in ...
Artificial sweeteners are attractive alternatives to sugar because they add virtually no calories...
Iskusstwennye podslastiteli qwlqütsq priwlekatel'noj al'ternatiwoj saharu, poskol'ku oni praktich...
I dolcificanti artificiali sono alternative attraenti allo zucchero perché non aggiungono pratica...
Künstliche Süßstoffe sind attraktive Alternativen zu Zucker, weil sie Ihrer Ernährung praktisch k...
Os edulcorantes artificiais são alternativas atraentes ao açúcar porque praticamente não acrescen...
Les édulcorants artificiels sont des alternatives intéressantes au sucre car ils n'ajoutent prati...
A common thought among people is that only visible ingredients of our food affect our health but ...
Marihuana (Cannabis sativa) ispol'zowalas' w medicinskih, rekreacionnyh i duhownyh celqh na protq...
La marijuana (Cannabis sativa) è stata usata a livello medico, ricreativo e spirituale per miglia...
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has been used medicinally, recreationally and spiritually for thousan...