Don't miss the misadventures of cartoonist Chip Dunham's clever crew of shipboard malcontents, in...
Daisy Gumm Majesty Meets Gilbert and Sullivan in SPIRITS ONSTAGE. a Historical Cozy Mystery by Al...
Dachshund Discovers Doctor's Body in Altadena Cemetery, Daisy Gumm Majesty Investigates, in the H...
Famed Director and Producer, Milton Halsey Gosset, Shot Dead in Angels of Mercy, a Cozy Historica...
When a Former Madame Bilks Bounty Hunter, Lou Prophet, Out of Money to Start a New Life, Daisy an...
Daisy Gumm Majesty's talent as a 'medium' catches the attention of a dangerous mobster. Vicenzo M...
It's the 1920s and Daisy Gum Majesty is doing her part to support her family as a medium by holdi...
Daisy Gumm Majesty has put her Ouija board aside, following her husband's passing. Only when Mrs....
Double Pointed Knitting Needle Becomes Murder Weapon in the Cozy Mystery, A DOUBLE POINTED MURDER...
When a Woman Mysteriously Disappears From an Orange Grove Mansion, Daisy Gumm Majesty, Sam Rotond...
It's the height of the Silent Film era and Marigold Pottersby is trying to hang on to her father'...