'This book explores how to solve smart power systems challenges by employing new techniques. Thes...
Smart Cyber-Physical Power Systems: Challenges and Solutions, 2 Volume Set
Smart Cyber-Physical Power Systems, Volume 2
Nanotechnology holds great promise for transforming numerous aspects of our lives, offering subst...
Nanotehnologii otkrywaüt shirokie wozmozhnosti dlq preobrazowaniq mnogih aspektow nashej zhizni, ...
Les nanotechnologies promettent de transformer de nombreux aspects de notre vie, en offrant des a...
La nanotecnología es muy prometedora para transformar numerosos aspectos de nuestras vidas, ofrec...
A nanotecnologia é uma grande promessa para transformar vários aspectos das nossas vidas, oferece...
Die Nanotechnologie birgt ein großes Potenzial für die Veränderung zahlreicher Aspekte unseres Le...
Le nanotecnologie promettono di trasformare numerosi aspetti della nostra vita, offrendo vantaggi...