My visit in the whishes that I hear in the frequency of thought impressions around all providenti...
Computer technologies are forever evolving and it is vital that computer science educators find n...
I can remember everything, any single detail from a full day with someone and I was told that it ...
Il sacrario dell'essere deve essere mantenuto nel buon richiamo della saggezza, tutta la verità è...
The Sanctum of the being must be kept in the good lure of wisdom, all truth is a spin of a cloud ...
While already validated by the scientific community, multimodal narratives have the potential for...
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bri...
' Indépendant ', ' alternatif ', ' indie ', ' underground ', ' avant-garde ', ' de création '... ...
Das Heiligtum des Wesens muss in der guten Verlockung der Weisheit bewahrt werden, alle Wahrheit ...
These transactions publish research in computer-based methods of computational collective intelli...
This book describes various aspects of the basic physiological processes critical to tissue perfu...
Despite the advances that have been made in programming, there is still a lack of sufficient meth...