Cartoons by John Ryan, better known as the creator of Captain Pugwash, provide a personal portrai...
Rescripting Religion in the City explores the role of faith and religious practices as strategies...
This volume explores the critical reactions and dissenting activism generated in the summer of 19...
Cartoons by John Ryan, better known as the creator of Captain Pugwash, provide a personal portrai...
Assesses the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the ordinary believer, alongside contemporan...
Rescripting Religion in the City explores the role of faith and religious practices as strategies...
This volume explores the critical reactions and dissenting activism generated in the summer of 19...
Reflecting contemporaneously on the monumental events taking place in Rome (and throughout the Ca...
The material in this collected volume, twelve essays in all, originated with a conference, ''Maki...
A murder mystery taken place during a holiday that's supposed to be merry is astonishing. The mai...
The fifth volume of The Oxford History of British & Irish Catholicism, which assembles synoptic c...