Die Oper von ihren schönsten Seiten entdeckenDer Saal verdunkelt sich, das Orchester beginnt zu s...
'Jede Seite dieses Buches ist eine Entdeckungsreise', schwärmt Placido Domingo über den neuen Ban...
'Was hat dieses leblose gelbe Metall nur an sich, dass es die Menschen dazu bringt, ihre Heimat z...
Experience the passion and drama of the world's greatest operas with this sumptuously illustrated...
Alan Riding is an opera devotee who as European Arts Correspondent for The New York Times has att...
Y siguió la fiesta : la vida cultural en el París ocupado por los nazis
Unravel the history, themes, and language of Shakespeare's plays, poems, and sonnets with this be...
A study of Mexico - political, social, cultural, economic - by a journalist who was for the past ...
A sumptuously illustrated history of opera brought to life by stunning photography, following the...