The three volume set LNCS 8226, LNCS 8227, and LNCS 8228 constitutes the proceedings of the 20th ...
The original Japanese edition of this book, published by Saiensu-sha, Japan, in March 2005, has f...
This book is the second enlarged and revised edition of the first successful monograph on complex...
The four volume set LNCS 9947, LNCS 9948, LNCS 9949, and LNCS 9950 constitutes the proceedings of...
The three volume set LNCS 8226, LNCS 8227 and LNCS 8228 constitutes the proceedings of the 20th I...
The four volume set LNCS 9947, LNCS 9948, LNCS 9949, and LNCS 9950 constitues the proceedings of ...
The four volume set LNCS 9947, LNCS 9948, LNCS 9949, and LNCS 9950 constitues the proceedings of ...
The four volume set LNCS 9947, LNCS 9948, LNCS 9949, and LNCS 9950 constitues the proceedings of ...
The three volume set LNCS 8226, LNCS 8227, and LNCS 8228 constitutes the proceedings of the 20th ...
This book is the second enlarged and revised edition of the first successful monograph on complex...
In recent years, complex-valued neural networks have widened the scope of application in optoelec...