In this present investigation anti oxidant activity of Achyranthes aspera was evaluate to certify...
Dit boek is gebaseerd op het concept van modificatie op de verticale windturbine met rechte blade...
Este livro é baseado no conceito de modificação na turbina eólica de eixo vertical de lâmina reta...
The starting of pharmaceutical education in India was initiated at the Banaras Hindu University (...
This book is based on the concept of modification on the straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbi...
Ksi¿¿ka ta oparta jest na koncepcji modyfikacji turbiny wiatrowej o osi pionowej z ¿opatkami pros...
Ce livre est basé sur le concept de modification de l'éolienne à pales droites et à axe vertical ...
Questo libro si basa sul concetto di modifica della turbina eolica ad asse verticale a pale dirit...
Dieses Buch basiert auf dem Konzept der Modifikation an der Windturbine mit geraden Blättern und ...
The intention of scripting of this book is to build accessible a valuable knowledge on the herbal...
In this study, we evaluated thrambolytic and anti-acne activity of methanolic extract of Sarcoste...