In this intriguing historical novel, a young woman who is sent to a horrific 'bride school' to be...
Claire Eiffel, the beautiful, brilliant eldest daughter of the illustrious architect Gustave Eiff...
Unraveling the tangled roots of her family takes her places she never expected.
Set amid the promise and challenge of the first Canadian colonies, Aimie K. Runyan's vividly rend...
'An engaging, engrossing debut.'-Greer Macallister, USA Today bestselling author of The Magician'...
'December 1917. As World War I rages in Europe, twenty-four-year-old Ruby Wagner, the jewel in a ...
''In her illuminating debut novel, Aimie K. Runyan masterfully blends fact and fiction to explore...
Leedswick Castle has housed the Alnwick family in the English countryside for generations, despit...
Bestselling author Aimie Runyan makes her contemporary women's fiction debut with this charming e...
From acclaimed authors Aimie K. Runyan, J'nell Ciesielski, and Rachel McMillan comes an evocative...
From the author of The School for German Brides, this captivating historical novel set in ninetee...
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