The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection varies across the world, with the highest num...
This review dealt with three super-families of suborder Sternrrhyncha (Hemiptera) in Egypt. These...
The hepatitis C virus (HCV), the silent killer, is endemic worldwide. Therefor, finding novel sig...
Developing the traditional civil-military relations approach to include security actors, the book...
Breast cancer is one of the main causes of mortality globally and the available chemotherapy face...
O cancro da mama é uma das principais causas de mortalidade a nível mundial e a quimioterapia dis...
El cáncer de mama es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en todo el mundo y la quimiotera...
Brustkrebs ist weltweit eine der Hauptursachen für Todesfälle, und die verfügbaren Chemotherapien...
Le cancer du sein est l'une des principales causes de mortalité dans le monde et les chimiothérap...
Il cancro al seno è una delle principali cause di mortalità a livello globale e la chemioterapia ...
Rak molochnoj zhelezy qwlqetsq odnoj iz osnownyh prichin smertnosti wo wsem mire, a dostupnaq him...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a disorder that destructs brain functions and results in severe c...