Since her late-1990s debut as a member of the R&B trio Destiny's Child, Beyonce Knowles has garne...
Since its 2013 premiere, Orange Is the New Black has become Netflix's most watched series, garner...
In the broad spectrum of popular culture, one can be a fan of just about anything: comic books, t...
Sing Us a Song, Piano Woman: Female Fans and the Music of Tori Amos explores the many-layered rel...
Feminist Theory and Pop Culture (Second Edition) examines the theoretical and gendered nature of ...
Feminist Theory and Pop Culture (Second Edition) examines the theoretical and gendered nature of ...
Gender and Pop Culture examines the intersection of media, society, gender, and culture through a...
The Politics of Gender presents an international and intersectional approach to the multiple ways...
The Politics of Gender presents an international and intersectional approach to the multiple ways...
Gender and Pop Culture examines the intersection of media, society, gender, and culture through a...