This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the 7th International Conference Logistics...
This book is dedicated to development of an intelligent information system of diagnosis and monit...
According to statistical data, with the development of oil, chemical, gas industries cases of poi...
This two-volume set constitutes selected papers presented during the First First International Co...
This two-volume set constitutes selected papers presented during the First First International Co...
De acordo com dados estatísticos, com o desenvolvimento das indústrias petrolífera, química e do ...
Selon les données statistiques, avec le développement des industries pétrolières, chimiques et ga...
Según los datos estadísticos, con el desarrollo de las industrias petrolera, química y del gas, l...
Soglasno statisticheskim dannym, s razwitiem neftqnoj, himicheskoj, gazowoj promyshlennosti w pos...
Statistischen Angaben zufolge sind mit der Entwicklung der Erdöl-, Chemie- und Gasindustrie in le...
Secondo i dati statistici, con lo sviluppo delle industrie petrolifere, chimiche e del gas, i cas...
This two-volume set constitutes selected papers presented during the Second International Confere...