This collection of 11 chapters is devoted to a survey of artificial and reconsti tuted membrane s...
This work proposes a power management and control strategy for islanded microgrids, which consist...
L'attention portée à la famille est l'un des piliers les plus importants des soins aux patients, ...
Udelenie wnimaniq sem'e qwlqetsq odnim iz wazhnejshih stolpow uhoda za pacientom, poskol'ku sem'q...
Die Aufmerksamkeit für die Familie ist eine der wichtigsten Säulen der Patientenbetreuung, denn d...
Prestare attenzione alla famiglia è uno dei pilastri più importanti della cura del paziente, perc...
Prestar atenção à família é um dos pilares mais importantes do cuidado ao paciente, porque a famí...
Paying attention to the family is one of the most important pillars of patient care, because the ...
La atención a la familia es uno de los pilares más importantes de la atención al paciente, ya que...
Zara was born in Iran, grew up there, fell in love, worked, and went to university. But in Irania...